Waugh, Evelyn

  Poetry & Prose    Books / People

The human mind is inspired enough when it comes to inventing horrors; it is when it tries to invent a Heaven that it shows itself cloddish.

Evelyn (St. John) Waugh was an English writer of novels, biographies, and travel books; he was also a prolific journalist and reviewer of books. He is considered to be one of the great prose stylists of the English language in the 20th c.

|  28th October, 1903, London.
|  10th April, 1966, Somerset, England.

Waugh most famous works include the early satires Decline and Fall (1928) and A Handful of Dust (1934) and the novel Brideshead Revisited (1945).

Evelyn (St. John) Waugh (1903-1966) was an English writer of novels, biographies, and travel books; he was also a prolific journalist and reviewer of books. Waugh is considered to be one of the great prose stylists of the English language in the 20th c. His most famous works include the early satires Decline and Fall (1928) and A Handful of Dust (1934) and the novel Brideshead Revisited (1945).
“Sometimes, I feel the past and the future pressing so hard on either side that there’s no room for the present at all.”
Evelyn (St. John) Waugh (1903-1966) was an English writer of novels, biographies, and travel books; he was also a prolific journalist and reviewer of books. Waugh is considered to be one of the great prose stylists of the English language in the 20th c. His most famous works include the early satires Decline and Fall (1928) and A Handful of Dust (1934) and the novel Brideshead Revisited (1945).
“To know and love one other human being is the root of all wisdom.”
Evelyn (St. John) Waugh (1903-1966) was an English writer of novels, biographies, and travel books; he was also a prolific journalist and reviewer of books. Waugh is considered to be one of the great prose stylists of the English language in the 20th c. His most famous works include the early satires Decline and Fall (1928) and A Handful of Dust (1934) and the novel Brideshead Revisited (1945).
Evelyn (St. John) Waugh (1903-1966) was an English writer of novels, biographies, and travel books; he was also a prolific journalist and reviewer of books. Waugh is considered to be one of the great prose stylists of the English language in the 20th c. His most famous works include the early satires Decline and Fall (1928) and A Handful of Dust (1934) and the novel Brideshead Revisited (1945).




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